Our investment process incorporates a combination of quantitative and qualitative fundamental analysis, and we offer investors full transparency into all aspects of portfolio construction.
We provide solutions for a variety of investors, including endowments, foundations, pension plans, high net worth individuals and many others. RBA has two global, macro-driven investment strategies for institutional investors, Global Equity and Global Tactical Asset Allocation, both of which offer liquidity and low fees.
Our Products
Global Equity
Objective A top-down, broadly diversified Global Equity Strategy combined with disciplined, risk-managed security selection
Benchmark MSCI ACWI Index
Performance goal Outperform its benchmark by 200 bps gross of fees
Typical number of holdings Single Security: 200-450; ETF Portfolio: 5-30
Strategy Size ($ Million)* $2,932 as of 6/30/24
Strategy Inception October 31, 2010
*Strategy size includes assets under management and assets under advisement.
Global Tactical Asset Allocation (GTAA)
Objective "Go anywhere" tactical asset allocation strategy that invests across asset classes, geography, and market segments, such as size, style, sector and quality
Benchmark 50% MSCI ACWI Index, 45% Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index, 5% Bloomberg 1-3 month US T-Bill Index
Performance goal Outperform its benchmark by 200 bps gross of fees
Typical number of holdings Single Security: 200-450; ETF Portfolio: 5-30
Strategy Size ($ Million)* $6,189 as of 6/30/24
Strategy Inception August 1, 2010
*Strategy size includes assets under management and assets under advisement.
Why RBA?
We are a top-down macro asset manager that is uniquely not event-driven. Rather, we are a long-only investor with extensive experience in managing Global Equity and GTAA portfolios through our broad set of global indicators built over 30+ years. Our seasoned 8-member Investment Committee, led by CEO/CIO Rich Bernstein and Director of Research Lisa Kirschner, evaluates markets based solely on fundamentals like corporate profits, liquidity and investor sentiment/valuation.
Our suite of Global Equity and GTAA strategies have experienced persistent outperformance vs both their respective benchmarks as well as our peers and are liquid, low fee and transparent for our clients.
Our Philosophy
At RBA, our disciplined investment approach seeks to identify unique investment opportunities that are often unrecognized or ignored as uncertain investors focus on yesterday’s winners. We generate alpha by uncovering global investment styles and themes where we believe there are disparities between fundamentals and sentiment. This is very different from the traditional, bottom-up approach that seeks to generate alpha through individual security selection.
The origins of our investment philosophy date back to the seminal research we conducted on style investing more than twenty years ago. Our expertise lies in combining our proprietary, macroeconomic research with quantitative analysis to determine cyclical and secular investment themes, aiming to provide superior, risk-adjusted returns. Analysis of global profit cycles is a core component of our strategies.
Our Process
Our portfolios are constructed by uniquely combining a top-down global macro research process with a quantitatively driven security selection methodology. We consider our investment process to be a combination of art and science and offer investors full transparency into all aspects of portfolio construction.
Investors We Serve
Family Offices
Financial Institutions
Health Care Organizations
High Net Worth Individuals
Investment Consultants
Pension Plans
Want to learn more about RBA’s investment process?
You can reach our portfolio specialists at 212-692-4088 or send us a message using the contact form.