RBA's Insights

Narrow markets are the exception, not the rule

We explore why extreme market concentration is unsustainable, how competition and innovation drive broader market performance, and why diversification is key as volatility rises. Don’t let market extremes catch you off guard.

RBA's Insights

Fade the election

We explain why RBA has been highly dispassionate regarding politics when building portfolios, and why that unemotional approach might be even more important in the current stormy political environment.

RBA's Insights

Fade the Election Part 2: Debt & Deficits

We explore the modern history of US debt to GDP across several Presidential administrations and outline why investors should not be worried about a financial apocalyptic abyss.

RBA's Insights

How much cash is really on the sidelines?

Dan Suzuki analyzes current and historical trends in investors' stock, bond, and cash holdings to assess whether this "cash on the sidelines" narrative could be a valid catalyst for pushing the stock market to new highs.


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Monthly Insight

Historically confident investors meet historically uncertain world

We explain how investors have virtually no fear despite fundamentals growing increasingly nebulous and uncertain. They're looking at diversification as a lead weight on performance rather than as a time-tested risk-reduction tool.

RBA | Feb 25, 2025

Fixed Income Insight


Michael Contopoulos breaks down why CLOs offer attractive relative value, why short-duration positioning may help manage interest rate uncertainty, and the importance of an active approach for this year in particular.

RBA | Feb 11, 2025

Monthly Insight

Narrow markets are the exception, not the rule

We explore why extreme market concentration is unsustainable, how competition and innovation drive broader market performance, and why diversification is key as volatility rises. Don’t let market extremes catch you off guard.

RBA | Jan 30, 2025

Monthly Insight

Certainties for an uncertain world

In our year ahead outlook, we unveil 5 key factors we believe offer rare certainty in these uncertain times. Discover how we’re navigating this landscape and positioning portfolios to seize opportunities and mitigate risks in the year ahead.

RBA | Dec 16, 2024

Monthly Insight

Emphasize value as investors increasingly throw caution to the wind

We compare investor risk-taking behaviors at the start of the bull market with those nearly 16 years later. We also analyze key market areas that can offer essential diversification to help manage overall portfolio risk.

RBA | Nov 26, 2024

Quick Insight

How much cash is really on the sidelines?

Dan Suzuki analyzes current and historical trends in investors' stock, bond, and cash holdings to assess whether this "cash on the sidelines" narrative could be a valid catalyst for pushing the stock market to new highs.

RBA | Nov 21, 2024

Fixed Income Insight

Opportunities beyond the traditional bond indices

Michael Contopoulos outlines why we believe now is a good time to utilize Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs) as part of a fixed income portfolio and details the ins and outs of what a CLO is and how it works.

RBA | Nov 19, 2024

Special Report

The Morning After

As we have done in the past after a Presidential election, here are ten quick investment thoughts.

RBA | Nov 06, 2024


Fade the Election Part 2: Debt & Deficits

We explore the modern history of US debt to GDP across several Presidential administrations and outline why investors should not be worried about a financial apocalyptic abyss.

RBA | Oct 30, 2024

Quick Insight

Navigating the tight policy, loose liquidity paradox

Dan Suzuki examines why tight Fed policy doesn't always equate to tight liquidity and looks into the historical data on Fed cuts.

RBA | Oct 24, 2024