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Are Investors Ignoring a More Powerful Secular Growth Theme than AI?

Richard Bernstein, CEO/CIO of Richard Bernstein Advisors, discusses deglobalization, the reindustrialization of America, and how most investors are ignoring one of the most powerful secular growth opportunities today.

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Investment Update with RBA’s Dan Suzuki

Barron's Senior Managing Editor Lauren R. Rublin and Deputy Editor Ben Levisohn speak with Richard Bernstein Advisors’ Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Dan Suzuki about the outlook for financial markets, industry sectors, and individual stocks.

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Dan Suzuki on The Exchange

“Either earnings growth is going to roll over, which again we aren’t seeing those signs, or earnings growth will stay very strong and accelerate,” explains Dan Suzuki in response to Kelly Evans on CNBC The Exchange.

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Dan Suzuki on Bloomberg Surveillance

“Underlying growth is still very strong,” states Dan Suzuki on Bloomberg Surveillance about the market growth moving forward this year.

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US inflation will soar if America doesn't undergo reindustrialization, investment manager says

Inflation will climb higher if the US economy doesn't reindustrialize its economy, according to investment manager Richard Bernstein.

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Richard Bernstein on Power Lunch

Rich Bernstein, Richard Bernstein Advisors CEO, joins ‘Power Lunch’ to discuss markets, American industrialization and shifting away from globalization.

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Dan Suzuki on The Close

Dan Suzuki joins Bloomberg The Close to discuss the Fed movements and what to expect to grow going into the second half of this year.(37:00)

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Michael Contopoulos on Fast Money

Michael Contopoulos, Richard Bernstein Advisors, joins the ‘Fast Money’ table to talk the FOMC’s rate decision today, the state of the economy, if stagflation is a problem right now, and more.

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Michael Contopoulos on The Open

Michael Contopoulos joins Bloomberg The Open to discuss April's Fed meeting and where you can look for opportunities in this higher for longer environment.

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Bond Rout Eases as Traders Find Relief in Key Inflation Readings

“It’s a little relief rally,” said Michael Contopoulos, head of fixed income at Richard Bernstein Advisors, noting the small scope of the move.

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Michael Contopoulos on Bloomberg Surveillance

Michael Contopoulos joins Bloomberg Surveillance to give an update on the movements on of the bond market.

Bloomberg | Jun 10, 2024

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Michael Contopoulos on Real Yield

Michael Contopoulos says the Fed is not restrictive right now so he does not expect a credit blowup.

Bloomberg | Jun 07, 2024

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Richard Bernstein on The Open

Richard Bernstein joins Matt Miller on Bloomberg The Open to discuss the Fed's actions and the corporate earnings story.

Bloomberg | May 16, 2024